Human Design for Parenting

Human Design shows parents why their children behave the way they do. It reveals how they’re meant to move through the world. And it offers insights into how we can give our kids the unique support they need, as they grow into wholehearted, conscientious, compassionate citizens of the world.

Photo credit Agung Pandit Wiguna

Raising Wholehearted, Conscientious Citizens of the World

Raising children to become wholehearted, compassionate, conscientious citizens of the world begins with understanding who they really are, inside, so we can give them the support they uniquely need to thrive.

To find out what their individual bodies, hearts and minds require in order for them to shine their brightest.

To provide them with the tools they’ll use for a lifetime to showcase their greatest gifts.

To empower them with practical steps on their way to fulfilling their greatest potential.

And to offer grace, space, guidance and compassion as they encounter the challenges of life.

Human Design is an extraordinary tool for helping us do all of that.

I am a certified Human Design reader, mother of two, and a preschool teacher, and I can attest that understanding how my own children and my students were electromagnetically wired from birth to process energy in this lifetime has been a complete game changer in the way I interact with them.

Different Kids; Different Approaches

My children are completely different from one another. My students are vastly varied beings. They require extremely different things from me, as parent, disciplinarian, guide and teacher, in order to thrive.

They’re wired respond to different approaches from the grownups in their lives when it comes to recovering from hurt feelings, following rules and boundaries, expressing their creativity, getting quality sleep and building confidence.

As such, our kids need different kinds of encouragement, discipline, and motivation from us.

Read my story on Raising a Generator Child here.

Energy moves differently through these beings’ little bodies. Knowing, now, how their energetics work–what their strengths are, what their greatest source of energy is, knowing where they’re prone to outside influence, knowing what makes them tick–has given us enormous clarity.

We’re less reactionary. What we once considered an odd behavior or potential disorder we now know is purely a quirk of their design! Their gifts, their weirdness, their brilliance–it all makes so much sense now. And now we know how to uniquely provide them with the appropriate and varied approaches to everything they need.

I want you to experience this clarity and understanding, too. And you can, by looking into their Human Design charts.

More Grace, More Joy

You, too, can give your children more compassion and grace than you ever thought possible. You can grant them permission (which they already came here with) to be their true selves.

And, if you’re anything like me, you’ll be able to find more joy in the day-to-day, not getting hung up on why this one won’t get off the monkey bars and that one needs ten reminders to put on his shoes.

If you’re looking for support on the journey through parenting;

if you and your child seem to constantly butt heads;

if you’ve tried every trick in the book,

if you’ve subscribed to all the parenting blogs,

if you’ve sought advice from doctors and teachers and clergy…

But STILL you find that you’re missing something about your [quirky, unique, withdrawn, stubborn, adorable, bossy, etc.] magical kiddo, then Human Design might be just the tool you need.

An Introductory Be+Share Human Design reading for your child will reveal the basics of how they were electromagnetically wired to process energy, and will illuminate for you how you may be wasting your time using approaches that they were never designed to respond to. An hour with me, or ongoing mentorship, will offer you the keys to the doorways that seem locked, so that you can access your kiddo’s deepest wisdom and engage with them right where they are.

Human Design offers parents and caregivers (and kids, themselves!) a new framework through which to:

  • view their lives,
  • make sense of their struggles,
  • discover their strengths,
  • reveal their potential shadow areas,
  • prepare for their biggest challenges,
  • and learn how to work with those energies–instead of against them–to become wholehearted, conscientious, compassionate citizens of the world.

A Parenting Coach Trifecta

My approach to guiding clients through Parenting with Human Design is three-fold:

  1. I apply the foundational principles of the Human Design system to your child’s unique chart to compile a foundational analysis of the elements they came to be and to share in this lifetime.
  2. I offer more than a decade’s worth of firsthand parenting knowledge and experience (victories, failures and everything in between!), plus my prior work as an early childhood educator to share insights and guidance you can use immediately to start seeing results.
  3. I create a safe, welcoming, and nonjudgmental space for parents who are struggling, or even just curious about how their kiddo was wired. As a naturally intuitive person who’s gained a LOT of colorful life experience, I tap into what’s needed and offer empathy for all beings and their situations.

Parenting is HARD WORK. It’s the hardest job we will ever have. And I know your child matters to you more than anything in the world.

When you’re ready to get clear on what makes your child tick,

when you need to breathe a sigh of relief after learning all the amazing gifts they were truly born to use,

and you’re ready to start implementing practical tools that will support their unique needs in the most proactive, succinct way,

then I invite you to book an Introductory Be+Share reading with me to do all that, with clarity and confidence. Learn more here.

I can’t wait to show you the magic your babe came here to Be and to Share!

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