Work With Me!

Private Sessions, Ongoing Mentorship, and Group Meetups to Heal, Grow & Transcend

You’re stuck in an unfulfilling job;

You’re longing to understand the real gifts and strengths you came to earth to share;

You want to unveil your purpose;

You’re navigating a difficult relationship;

Or you’re an exhausted parent who’s desperate for relief, support and guidance in raising a spirited child.

If this is you, let’s talk! Human Design for Real Life will help.

Below is a sampling of the kinds of services, guidance and support I offer. But there’s no limit to how we can put Human Design for Real Life to work for you!

Be + Share Private Sessions: An introduction to your Human Design chart to set you on the path to clarity & empowerment as you navigate your personal growth journey. This 60-minute virtual session provides you with the foundations of how your energy was meant to be used, and is appropriate for clients age 0-100! Find out what you’re here on this planet, in this lifetime, in this body, to be and share with the world, plus a whole bunch more. $100.00 (USD) + Bonus Offer: $15 for a clarity follow-up session

Relationship Readings: In this 1-hour session, we’ll delve into a compatibility analysis of you and your chosen person. Whether you’re entering or working to repair a relationship, our time together will illuminate the frequencies you each bring to the table, and why they interact in the ways that they do to create peace and harmony or conflict and dissonance. Appropriate for clients in romantic partnerships, business arrangements, parent/child, sibling relationships, friendships, roommates and more! $150.00 USD + Bonus Offer: $25 for a 30-minute clarity follow-up session

Release & Reset: In this 4-week intensive program, you’ll get live, exclusive 1:1 support and guidance from me as we unfold the elements of your chart bit by bit, so that you really get to internalize, synthesize, and experiment with using your superpowers in the way they were intended. Break free from old patterns that have kept you limited, playing small, doubting yourself, feeling like an imposter, afraid to speak up, stuck and confused about what you actually want. This month-long program starts anytime you’re ready and is completely customized to support you. It will boost your self-confidence and bring you clarity, validation and empowerment. You’ll leave our month togehter standing taller, feeling stronger, and knowing there’s a solid foundation under your feet to help you live your most authentic, fulfilling life. $444 (USD)

Manifestor Mentorship: Ongoing guided support designed exclusively for Manifestors, by a Manifestor. Schedule as many or as few 30-minute, low-cost sessions as you need until you’ve been adequately reminded of your true badassery and are wielding your massive Manifestor power! Each meetup will be tailored to you & your specific needs as you navigate your Manifestor journey. Come with questions. Leave with answers & an action plan. There’s no fancy sales page for this. Just call or text me directly at +1 (412) 867-0487, or email me at, and type “MANIFESTOR MENTORSHIP” to get started. $35.00 USD per session.

Human Design Owner’s Manual: a detailed, 30+ page, downloadable, printable PDF that lays out alllll the elements of your child’s Human Design energetic blueprint. Use it to understand your child’s behaviors, learn how they’re built to express themselves, how they are equipped to make aligned decisions, where they’re vulnerable to conditioning and challenges, what their greatest strengths are and more. Refer back to this supportive tool to continuously meet your child precisely where they are along every step of their development. Whoever said babies don’t come with brochures was wrong! Order a Human Design Owner’s Manual for a newborn, an 18-year-old, or any kiddo in between. $88.00 (USD) + Bonus Offer $50.00 30-minute, 1:1, live clarity session to ask questions and get deeper guidance.

Are you a mom or dad who’s at your wits’ end trying to negotiate with a stubborn, sassy, strong-willed or ‘spirited’ child, where every conversation with them ends in an argument, and you seem to lose every battle? If so, then you may be stuck in what I call the Lost Battles Trap.

If this sounds familiar, you’re in luck. You’re not alone, and I can help.

The Lost Battles Trap is a losing war with a child who’s dug in their heels. It has no end without someone losing their cool, spouting an unintended criticism, crying or getting even more resentful and angry.

I know — heck, I practically invented the Lost Battles, Trap, and I set it for my parents as a child loads of times;)

Probably a little like your spirited kiddo, I, too, was once a hard-headed child. Screaming to be heard over my three older sisters, and routinely yelling at my parents for god-knows-what, by age 4 I’d grown polyps on my throat and my voice went all deep and scratchy like a veteran smoker. I had the ‘screw-you’ attitude to match that persona, too.

These days, though, I’m rocking out in what my mother calls ‘sweet karma,’ as I raise my own two powerful beings!

But now that I’m a parent, I ‘get’ children, especially because I’ve also worked in elementary school classrooms for many years. I have reformed since being a stubborn brat, and hold a special place in my heart for all those S.O.S. Kids who are giving their parents a run for their money, because they remind me of myself when I was little.

It’s taken years, but I’ve finally learned how to regain control of and embody my own, immense power, and I can guide your kid along that process too with you as the conduit. I help other moms, dads, grands and guardians like you stay calm, compassionate, and in control while they raise their S.O.S. Kids, so they can break out of the Lost Battles Trap and call a truce on a senseless war.

And I know exactly how you can get out of the Lost Battles Trap, too!

Sign up for an S.O.S. Kids single session now

Through my S.O.S. sessions and mentorship, I help exhausted, overwhelmed parents just like you, who feel like they are losing a never-ending family war due to one particularly ‘spirited’ child in the household.

I show them how to break free from the Lost Battles Trap so they can regain control as the Parent In Charge, and ultimately experience more peace in their homes.

I can do this for you too if you think you might be stuck in the Lost Battles Trap.

When you you’re stuck in the Lost Battles Trap:

  • You’re worried your kid has anger issues,
  • You’ve been called by their teacher and even the principal about their outbursts, emotional roller coasters, or defiant behavior at school,
  • Your kiddo’s typical M.O. is to do things like refuse to put their shoes on when it’s time to leave the house, even after the 15th time you’ve asked,
  • They typically shout “no” before you even finish your sentence,
  • Family dinners usually end with at least one of you melting down, screaming, or a chair being knocked over,
  • You’ve had so many doors slammed in your face, you’re ready to yank the one to their bedroom right off its hinges,
  • Your child yells, “You just don’t understand!” at you on repeat,
  • You’ve hired a therapist, private tutors, and/or requested special school supports, which may all be helping a little, but you still lose every yelling match, and
  • You’re seriously scared you could lose that deep, loving, warm, open connection you once shared with your kiddo if things don’t change, fast.

Discover the magic, power & potential in your child, which is begging to be recognized, understood and honored. Now is your time for S.O.S.

If this is you, I can help.

I, too, was once a very spirited kid with a bad reputation for stubbornness and noncompliance. I had a sassy mouth, started trouble, and got into fights with other kids.

Needless to say, my parents had their hands full! But I’m proud to say that, today, I’m a high-functioning, successful entrepreneur, author and mentor with two college degrees, a happy marriage, two amazing kids (who’re also spirited!), a super-close and loving relationship with my parents and siblings, and a very full, happy life!

(Here’s me with my amazing husband, daughter and son last fall on our way to my lil’ step-brother’s wedding. We clean up nice, right?!)

But getting here wasn’t easy. In fact, for 30 years, I absolutely hated myself, and worked overtime to hide (from everyone) what I believed were shameful flaws.

That’s because the way I learned to cope with how my parents, teachers and peers perceived my stubborn, sassy spirit (and thus, what I came to believe about myself) completely broke me.



See, I wasn’t trying to be a jerk as a kid, and neither is your child.

I just had no idea how to wield all the powers, fears and huge emotions swirling inside me.

Nor did my parents, unfortunately.

Rejection, abandonment, punishments (which included isolation, soap-in-the-mouth, harsh criticism, rejection and being closely controlled, among other things), led me to a dark and lonely life.

I was filled with shame and low self-worth, became a people-pleaser with depression and anxiety.

I sabotaged great opportunities, convinced I wasn’t cut out for such goodness. I played small, believing I wasn’t worthy of taking up space. I’d binge on Oreos and powdered-sugar donuts. I got into drugs and drinking.

I had zero boundaries and let people walk all over me, got involved in a violent and manipulative relationship, and learned to constantly self-edit everything I did or said, to the point where I eventually became so disconnected from my personal power and inner truth that I had no idea who I even was anymore.

It was a horrible way to live, but it became my “normal,” until I developed a stress-induced seizure disorder in my 30’s, and then, later, fell into deep depression after my kids were born. By then, I knew I just couldn’t function by denying my inner truth anymore. Something needed to change; I just didn’t know what or how.

It wasn’t until my early 40’s that I caught a glimpse of my actual energetic powers, i.e. my Human Design chart.

That’s when I finally, at long last, began to remember who I really am inside; how much power I came into this life with, and how much potential for greatness I actually, factually, really do possess (and have had with me all along!).

I think back and wonder what would’ve happened if only my parents had known what immense power and potential I hold — and if only they could have helped me express my big, bold voice or my provocative tendencies in a more productive, functional way…

I sometimes wonder if perhaps all that self-loathing and binge-eating could’ve been avoided. I know it could have, but…

Today I’m convinced that everything I experienced and learned is why I’m here to help you: so that no more kids have to grow up the way I did!

Since I launched my business, I’ve been helping people of all ages understand the greatness they behold, and showing them how to use their innate gifts in a way that feels natural, supportive, authentic, expansive and empowering.

Now I know for sure that working with parents like you, on behalf of their struggling, stubborn kiddos, is my life’s purpose, and it’s the fruit of every lesson I’ve ever learned:

In fact, I believe it would be negligent of me not to share with you and with the rest of the world what I know is true about the power and potential each child, and each human, truly holds.

Which is why I’ve designed this quick, customized, extraordinarily-illuminating, one-time S.O.S. session for desperate parents who need help with their spirited child, stat!

Now is your time for S.O.S. Kids

S.O.S. is for parents just like you who need help raising their Sassy, Stubborn, Strong-willed or Spirited child(ren), and it’s how you can break out of the Lost Battles Trap.

If you want to know whether your child has the potential for greatness, here’s my free offering: they absolutely do!

If you’re not convinced, given how fed-up you may be with trying to help them at this point, spend an hour with me and I’ll prove it.

You’re ready for an S.O.S. single-session if:

  • You’re ready to look at your S.O.S. (sassy, stubborn, strong-willed or spirited) Kid from a new perspective, because by now, you’ve tried everything else and still feel like you’re floundering,
  • You’re open to a different, scientific-spiritual way of thinking that will reveal why you’re child is such a powerful force to be reckoned with,
  • You’re desperate for relief from all the arguing,
  • You’re looking for that one glimmer of hope that your child holds the potential for a bright future,
  • You want to understand the source of their refusal to cooperate,
  • You’re could use a new way of communicating with your child that they understand and will respond to,
  • You’re willing to learn why they are not built to comply with orders but how you can still maintain control as the adult in charge,
  • You’re open to considering the truth that your kiddo is not purposefully trying to drive you crazy, but that they’re actually just jam-packed with big, bold, beautifully powerful energy that could be wielded for the purpose of absolute good, if only you understood it.

If this sounds like you, you’re ready for S.O.S. Book an appointment below.

  • In this 60-minute session, I will show you why your child is so stubborn and what you can do about it.
  • You will learn a whole new language and method for communicating with them that they understand and respond to.
  • You will learn how to regain control as the Adult In Charge while ensuring your child feels seen, heard, honored and understood.
  • You will learn what your child’s actual energetic superpowers are.
  • You’ll be given tools to guide your child toward using their immense powers wisely (rather than to drive you bonkers),
  • and so much more.

Plus, you will start to experience more peace in your home AND finally break free from the Lost Battles Trap.

If you’re ready to call a truce to the war, break free from the Lost Battles Trap, and reestablish that cherished, loving connection with your S.O.S. Kid that has recently disappeared, click the button below.

I cannot wait to work with you to support your amazing kiddo!

S.O.S. Kids: Single Session ($175 USD)

If you’re ready for a deeper dive into your child’s energetic makeup & could benefit from longer-term, weekly support, S.O.S. Kids 4-Week Mentorship is for you.

S.O.S. Intensive: 4-Week Parenting Mentorship ($600.00 USD)

Sign up for a transformational, 4-week SOS Kids Mentorship Program to get ongoing relief, clarity, support and guidance for your Sassy, Stubborn Or Spirited Child. This 4-week intensive experience assures that you get some much-needed relief and support as an exhausted, fed-up, overwhelmed mom, dad, grandparent or caregiver. 

You’ll learn what kinds of innate superpowers are actually at work inside your child’s body, causing them to defy you or be hard-headed, oppositional, intensely emotional or active to the extreme. And you’ll be shown how to guide your child to use those superpowers for the purpose of good, instead of to drive you crazy!

  • We meet live over Zoom once a week for 60 minutes throughout this 4-week program.
  • You’ll be able to ask me questions or reach out via text for assistance anytime, and I’ll get you a response within 24 hours.
  • You’ll also get daily tips, guidance and support via email that will help you understand your child’s motivations and challenges from a whole new perspective. 
  • This program includes homework, exercises to practice on your own and alongside your kiddo, and supportive materials via email along the way. 

Click here to get started! I can’t wait to work with you and your amazing child!

Be + Share Sessions ($60 USD)

Sign up for a bite-sized Be + Share Session to learn about the energetic traits embedded within you which exist to support and guide you throughout your lifetime — and which were intended to be wielded by your Spirit Self as superpowers! This 45-minute session will provide you with a basic understanding of your Human Design so you can start experimenting with your body’s natural energy flow and begin using your true gifts right away. Click here to get started! I can’t wait to work with you! 

Career Synergy Sessions ($200 USD)

Sign up for an in-depth Career Synergy Session to find out whether you’re in the right job, company or position, and to help you figure out your professional journey long into the future. This 90-minute session will provide you with a basic understanding of your Human Design to uncover the ideal ways you are meant to be using your skills, talents and innate strengths. We will workshop different scenarios to help you narrow down the right kinds of work opportunities for you, and which sorts of careers are in alignment with your natural energy flow, so you can begin to experience the professional life you desire. Click here to get started! I can’t wait to work with you! 

Group Meetups

If you’re simply curious about your Human Design but not quite ready to dive into a private session or longterm mentorship, and you think you could benefit from live group conversations with like-minded people to learn how to live your design, join a drop-in, donation-based meetup!

Sign up for my newsletter and be sure to follow me on Instagram and Facebook to find out where and when we’ll be meeting each month (meetups take place in-person around the Pittsburgh area).

This is your chance to connect socially, spiritually and meaningfully in a casual atmosphere that will support your journey to living life as The Real You.

Join us!

P.S. Your support in making this enriching, educational space possible is not just greatly appreciated–it’s essential! I know times are tough and budgets are tight, but if you’re able, it’d be awesome if you’d chip in so we can keep this group up and running 🙂

Thanks a ton,



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I Can’t Wait To Meet You!

If you’re thinking it might be time to start claiming your true power and learn how you can embody the gifts you came to earth with, then please reach out!

By Phone: (412) 867-0487

By Email:

Join my mailing list!

I can’t wait to remind you of your true magnificence. Check out what some of my other clients have been saying since working with me:

Real Client Feedback

“Thank you for this, Janeen. It was a real pleasure and is already helping me. Excited to continue on this journey.”

Anonymous Client

“Thank you so much, Janeen! That reading was well timed. It gave me so much affirmation about what I know about myself but often don’t trust or don’t accept. I’m so excited about what I’m creating!”


Copyright Janeen Ellsworth 2022.

All sales are final. If you’re unsatisfied with your purchase for any reason, please visit my refund policy.